Thursday 13 January 2011

Research Into Film Trailers: High School Muscial 3

To create an idea about what to include in our film trailer I have conducted some research into different film trailers, this will give us basic along with an in depth feel to what trailers try to achieve i.e. present audiences with an overview of the film, capturing the best moments in order to draw audiences in.

The first trailer I have analysed is High School Musical 3 Firstly, the micro features (Mise en scene, editing, sound, lighting etc) within the film portray a lively happy mood which the film aims to produce. The use of quick fades builds excitement up and along with the storyline in the film, making it parallel. In pace of the quick fade, a montage of images from the film flow, expressing the narrative and genre of the film. The audience can acknowledge that the genre of the film is a musical, due to the title of the film and the narrative and storyline illustrated in the trailer. Throughout the trailer, primary colours are used which conveys the brightness and innocence of the film, it would appeal to many audiences that have watched the previous films in the sequel and those who are a fan of musicals. High key lighting is used throughout the film which uplifts the mood of those watching.

Secondly the Macro features (iconography, settings etc.) were well represented within the trailer. A range of locations were used to illustrate the settings in the film, this gave audiences a good sense of what the film involves and diverse range of locations used. There are many songs, dances and cheers found within the film which further makes evident that the genre of the film is a musical. The narrative entails an upbeat light conversations which portrays a typical American go happy high school which is often a typical stereotypical representation of Americans made by the British.

The number of edits is important when creating a film trailer because the faster the edits the more excitement is formed. Within the film trailer of High School Musical 3 there were 83 edits, this shows that the use of fast cuts was effective when producing a high beat, fun, happy vibe.

The target audience would typically be a younger audience and teenagers because the storyline is one of a teenage love story which would appeal to both young and older audiences. The trailer would easily promote the film to those who would be targeted. It would be targeted to the age of Tweens (12-15/16 years). The film would be the portrayal of typical teenagers in a American, whereas the idea for a film is the representation of British youth but almost to the extreme. We aim to use guns, knifes and sex as connotations of British youth, however it will be an extreme portrayal of this age group.

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