The third chart (pictured below) displays the question: 'What is your favourite genre?' The feedback from this question suggest that the this target audience's favourite genre is comedy; however a close second would be social realism. With my trailer I will aim to convert the target audience to that they favour social realism more. In addition, I have taken this information on board as i hope to include comical diologue into my script to satisfy my target audience.
The final chart (pictured below) displays the question: 'Do you prefer trailers to be fast paced or slow paced?' The results show that the majority preferred fast paced trailers. This is something to considered as the themes within my genre are extreme and deviant having a fast paced edit will add to the excitement. My partner and I have concluded that the editing will begin slow while location shots are shown; however the development of pace will increase as the themes are portrays making it dramatic for the audience.Thursday, 31 March 2011
Primary Research: Questionnaire & Charts
Target Audience
However, Frank McConnells theory is based around the idea that instead of basing genres around visual clues, it is more meaningful to split texts according their themes, plots and leading characters. He came up with five genres which specifically refer to typical events in the history of any society and the characters who play parts in them. He believes that since films reflect society, they will always involve these kinds of typical events:
- The King- establising the state- epic
- The Knight- consolidating the state- ad venturous romance
- The Pawn- trapped in the institutional state- melodrama
- The Fool- responding to the madness of the state- the satire
- Apocalypse- the collapse of the state which leads to a new begining- no single hero.
Considering this perspective our genre would fall under 'The Pawn'. This would mean that we would have to satisfy the audience using themes, plots and leading characters to show that they are trapped in their state. We have tried to create this by creating a gang of females who have suberted stereotypes (boisterious, strong, rebellious), who are trapped by a controlling ideology to rebel against society through deviant behaviour, such as, drug taking, alcohol consumption, crime and anti-social behaviour. Using these themes would thrill the target audience as they would understand that this behaviour is wrong and would be intrigued to discover the outcome of their actions.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Planning: Location
This image portrays another area we will film; this important shot will exercise the message on the sign, 'Remove your valuables before the thieves do!' This reinforces the deviant behaviour displayed by the characters within the trailer.
This is another potential area we may use in our footage. Either, a location shot or one that consist of the character.
Planning: Film Trailer Ideas
Previously, we conducted research into existing film trailer featuring the social realism genre. This research helped develop our ideas and made it easier to actually put pen to paper.
For example, through watching Adulthood and anaylsing the behaviour they use we able to learn that they often use a restricted code with bad language, we thought this would be a good covention to use within our own film trailer as it shows the type of socialisation and culture that our characters come from, making it easier for the audience to be able to identify with them.
We are also considering not to portray at storyline so obviously; however represent themes often found in the social realism genre, such as, gang culture, violence, promiscuity and drugs. This would also not give too much of the storyline away as this can often spoil it for the audience.