Friday 18 March 2011

Planning: Film Trailer Ideas

To initiate and gather ideas about our film trailer we produced a mindmap of ideas. Using different sub titles we were able to suggest certain elements and coventions we wanted to include within a film.

Previously, we conducted research into existing film trailer featuring the social realism genre. This research helped develop our ideas and made it easier to actually put pen to paper.

For example, through watching Adulthood and anaylsing the behaviour they use we able to learn that they often use a restricted code with bad language, we thought this would be a good covention to use within our own film trailer as it shows the type of socialisation and culture that our characters come from, making it easier for the audience to be able to identify with them.

We are also considering not to portray at storyline so obviously; however represent themes often found in the social realism genre, such as, gang culture, violence, promiscuity and drugs. This would also not give too much of the storyline away as this can often spoil it for the audience.

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