Friday 18 March 2011

Planning: Location

To establish the idea of our film we need to plan the basic location. After deliberation we decided to set in a local place in Birmingham called Bromford. The majority of this area is a council estate which highlights the stereotyped presumptions people carry about these types of estates i.e. high crime rate, gang culture and intimitating residants.

These are photographs I acquired through 'Google Maps' this function allowed me to access a 'street view' whereby I could view possible places around the area that would be suitable to shoot. I gained these images as to left is the house we will film outside. A character will walk past these houses using a tracking shot. Also a scene will be filmed outside the house where the gang of characters terrorise a resident of the house.

This image portrays another area we will film; this important shot will exercise the message on the sign, 'Remove your valuables before the thieves do!' This reinforces the deviant behaviour displayed by the characters within the trailer.

This is another potential area we may use in our footage. Either, a location shot or one that consist of the character.

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