Tuesday 12 April 2011

Evaluation: How effective is the cobination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

The use of synergy when promoting a film is important as finding an aspect that will link a film trailer, film poster and magazine cover to make it more recognisable as a 'product' will increase the chance of popularity towards a film.

Using this as a platform, my own media product does not have a link throughout the three tasks (creation of the film poster, trailer and magazine cover) however there is a link with the film poster and trailer as both media products have the title of the film 'B36', further synergy is seen within the way the film title is displayed. This is seen through graffiti on a wall, 'B36- Bee Three Sicks'. This synergy makes our film recognisable and familiar to an audience because this logo is integrated through every platform of promotion, excluding the magazine cover. If an audience sees one of the promotional products they will be aware of the logo as it has an unusual spelling error; this makes it identifiable when the audience sees another product promoting our film, such as, the trailer- creating an interest to watch the film.

Above, magazine cover.

Nevertheless, there are reasons as to why we have not used this synergy within the creation of our magazine cover. The most valuable reason is that we wanted to show the actresses in their natural light, expressing their normality and stardom before their actual role. I believe that this approach not only promotes the film, but with this promotes the credibility of the actresses and gives the film an extra promotion lead as with increased popularity of the actresses comes increase popularity of the film.

The existence of synergy use within our media productions can be viewed from the slideshow below.

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