Saturday 2 April 2011

Planning: Cast List & Job Roles

Cast List

As our film trailer is based around a gang of anti-social teenage girls, we had to allocate appropriate actresses that could fufill these roles. We settled on four individuals, two included ourselves, and the other two Bobbi Doyle and Sheryl Richards.

There were many reasons for this choice:

Bobbi Doyle as Taylor

We gave Bobbi the role Taylor as she felt confident taking on the dominant role of the gang leader. Taking up the majority of the lines she had the responsibility for most of the acting in the trailer. However, due to previous experience in media film productions she felt sure that she could project this role both professionally and successfully.

Sheryl Richards as Chenise

Sheryl was given the role as Chenise as like Bobbi she had previous acting previous experience in her own media productions. Although she only had one line in the trailer and only two extra scenes to act alone she felt she able to pursue this role confidently. A scene she is acting independently deals with the issue of pregnancy, after talking about the role with Sheryl she felt she could represent this and gave ideas about she could portray it. With this is we were given ultimate faith in both of the girls to help us gain a successful film trailer.

Sarah Lolley (myself) as Alex

I took upon this role as I felt I was confident to portray the role of a more sensitive character. Although Alex is part of the group of girls she is less obliged to be involved with their deviant acts, such as, taking drugs. This resistance leads to this character attempting suicide, I felt I could sensitively portray this issue. This confidence has grown from the previous acting experience I have as well as the previous media productions I have produced.

Melissa Doyle as Mia

Melissa felt she could successfully portray this role adequately due to her previous acting experience, she felt she could build up a gritty attitude that the character Mia has. As the part was only a small role she took on the responsibility of camera work, whereby the parts she was not involved she filmed, and the parts she was involved with I filmed.

Job Roles

There were a number of roles that my partner and I had to be allocate, by having different skills and abilities that we have discovered of the duration of this course they were easily identifiable. As a partnership we decided that Melissa would take on the role of both an actress and take responsibility of the majority of camera work- we decided this as we felt that Melissa had more experience behind the scenes in actually shooting the footage but not as much experience in front of the camera, explaining why she was only given a small part. Also, Melissa would create a magazine cover for our media work, this would mean she would have to use her creativity skills to develop a high standard work. Whilst Melissa would cater for these responsibilities I took strength in acting, so I obliged for a more in depth acting role as I could be sensitive towards the role due to previous experience in acting. I also filmed parts that Melissa participated in so I took credit for some of the camera work. Thirdly, I was responsible in creating a film poster which I will enjoy doing since I am quite a creative person. We will both take credit in editing parts of the film; however Melissa will occupy a more leading role due to her previous experience using the programme format.

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