Friday 1 April 2011

Planning: Props List

Above, is the props list.

In order to organise for filming I made a props list so we could gather the props needed before shooting. It is important when filming to have props because they help establish the scene and make it look more natural. Some of the props we cannot actually use so we will have to use a substance to resemble them, for example the drug substance will be caster sugar in a plastic bag to represent cocaine and mixed herbs in a bag in represent cannabis. The other props are assessable on the days of filming.

Another aspect we have to consider is Costume and Make-up. All the character will be wearing quite heavy make-up this is due to the sub culture they are involved with, they believe they have to conform as a group to be an 'ideal girl' in order to be recognised and respected. Their costume consisted of casual tracksuits. We wanted to incorporate a stereotype upon them of the 'underclass' who are stereotyped by forms of appearance (e.g. tracksuits, bling). Them being portrayed as the 'dangerous class' by being 'out of control', living on a council estate, welfare dependant, anti-social and criminal.

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