Friday 1 April 2011

Planning: Script

Above, is our script: B36.

This was developed after our initial ideas map as we were certain to what we wanted our dialogue to portray. For example, we wanted each character to use a restricted code of language and use simplistic phrases to develop their character in to the stereotype i.e. troublesome, deviant, criminal and anti-social. Our main focus was to represent the working class and sub cultures we have in today's society. Marxists would argue that society's inequalities are to blame for these types of groups in society. They believe that economic and social issues arise from the exploitation of the working class (proletariat) by the ruling class (bourgeoisie). This is something I find important in exercising as the trailer may make the audience question why are some groups in society experiencing a life like this?

In addition, the characters use body language which portrays anger and independence; this was of importance as it helped develop their presence within the trailer, creating the ideal character type. For example, the first scene shows the group intimating a neighbour, this was a theme of anti-social behaviour we wanted to represent. It created more impact having it as the first scene the girls were introduced in because it took insight immediately to their character type and made the audience consider the genre of film we were representing. With this we have subverted against the Feminist view of women being exploited and undermined in society, as we have included a strong, immoral group of girls which rebel against stereotyped traits that girls have i.e. caring, kind, polite and sensitive. We have also included sensitive and controversial issues within our trailer; we thought this would build on our themes in a more in depth approach because it gave the trailer a more sensitive, emotional and epic feel. The issue we have arose is suicide - although we haven't featured a death in the trailer we have touched upon attempted suicide as we think this an important issue to be aware of as many young people are involved in situations such as these and sometimes have nobody to support them.

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