Friday 1 April 2011

Planning: Shots List

Above, is the shots list.

To ensure that we will be included variety of camera shots, angles and movements we have created a shots list. This will support us when filming as we will be able to look at this if needed to check whether we have incorporated all the shots we aimed to.

To generate ideas on what type of camera work we could use, I analysed film trailers for social realism films to identify both camera and editing techniques I could include within my own trailer. The first trailer I research was 'Kidulthood': - through this I found that the use of fades was dependent at the start so this something I would consider for my own product. Also, there was a wide range of camera work including different shots/movements/angles, this made to the whole trailer more developed and interesting so including it within my own trailer was of importance to the audience's needs also.

The second trailer I analyse was 'Fish Tank': - I acknowledged that the use of fast editing was dominant in this trailer also which gave a more captivating experience to the trailer. The use of location shots entwined with character shots also allowed me to access information about what the film genre was and who the characters were. This is an aspect I would consider for my own film trailer I feel it was a quick way to introduce the characters and the location quickly but effectively.

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