Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

In order to obtain feedback from the audiences that have watched our trailer I created a number of questionnaires, conducted interviews and recorded some viewers feedback. It is of importance to receive feedback from any media product as it sometimes gives you criticism that you can learn from and mistakes are not made again. From the questionnaire results I found that the majority of the audience enjoyed our film and thought it was a successful representation of a social realism film. Many commented that it was a film they would be interested in watching, as the themes found within the film was something they recognised and familiarised with. However, some criticisms were made known, for example two candidate commented on how they thought that the opening location shots were too long and felt this abolished the tension rather than building it. Also, one candidate noted that the shots shown at the beginning of the trailer were slightly shaky and did not portray the effect that we were hoping for. Another candidate expressed how they were confused about what was happen in the trailer as no clear storyline was shown, yet just the themes were pictured. Through this criticism we are now aware as a group as to where we could have improved, elaborated and developed. The film poster and magazine cover also had positive reactions, the most praised media product my partner and I created was the film poster. Audiences believed it was a realistic imitation of a film poster which expressed the idea of a troubled gang of girls with lost ambitions. This is an example of one audience's feedback we gained through a recording:

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