Thursday 7 April 2011

Planning: Ancillary Tasks

Draft of the Magazine Cover
Above, plan of magazine cover.

For our ancillary task we were asked within our groups to create a magazine cover and film poster in addition to our trailer. We could of Incorporated a broad spectrum of ideas to connote our film as there were many ideas we could have used for both the magazine cover and film poster. However for our magazine we thought it would be a good idea to subvert our characters from the image they were portrayed in the film to more sophisticated and glamorous look which they take upon in reality in contrast to their played character. Using this angle we have promoted the actresses within the film rather than their characters as we thought this would make the film more popular as well as the audience being aware of the new upcoming actresses.

The creation process of the magazine cover was achieved through Microsoft Publisher as it was programme we have used previously and thought it would be beneficial with the elements that it has e.g. word art, background technology and a range of colours with a simplistic approach- this saved us time wasting trying to use a new programme and get used it.

We developed the magazine cover efficiently and illustrated colour and depth to make it look more realistic, we did not over rely on previous magazine covers as we already fostered information we could include on the cover.

Draft of the Film Poster

Above, draft of magazine cover.

For the film poster we based our ideas from the previous film poster of 'This is England' which has elements similar to our film poster, for example, the gang of girls are standing in front of a wall just the same the gang found in 'This is England'. We represented this as the ethics of the picture project unity which is something we wanted to portray in our own film poster.

We created the film poster through a programme we have used previous called 'Photo shop' which has many technologies that made our film poster look astonishingly better. These elements include, colour booster, word features and eraser tools. This made the creation process easier as tools were accessible to use to improve our work.

Through research into other existing film posters we found that many use quotes from newspapers, magazines and other medias to help promote the popularity of the film. From this we were able to include a quote for our film to help infuse people to be more interested in watching the film. We decided to use the quote: 'Emotion and epic- not one to be missed!- Empire' this gave more depth to the films connotation as it shows that is a meaningful storyline of a harsh reality, and by using a popular magazines name boosts the likelihood of an audience being interested in watching the film.

We gathered initial ideas about our film poster from a piece of graffiti found the local areas which expressed the postcode 'B36' so this was how the original name was initiated and how we decided to incorporate the 'This is England' replica through standing in front of the wall with the graffiti on.

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